Spider Transport / Spinnentransport

Cleaning my car, i got also rid of all the old cobwebs inside my spare tyre. To my surprise there was still a inhabitant, who crawled out angry. It almost seemed to attack me before went down to ground. On the back side i found an distinctive red mark. Just days before, while that spider was still living in my car, i had a talk with an American guy about the poisonous spider as Black Widow and its Australian relative the Redback Spider. To find out what i carried over last thousands of kilometers i googled and found out i brought the African relative of this species with me.


Bei der Autoreinigung entfernte ich auch endlich mal die löten Spinnweben innerhalb meines Reserverads. Zu meiner Überraschung war dieses aber noch bewohnt. Eine Spinne kroch hervor und schien mich sogar noch attackieren zu wollen. Sie liess sich dann aber zu Boden, wo mir dann eine auffällige rote Markierung am Hinterteil auffiel. Nur wenige Tage zuvor sprach ich mit einem Amerikaner über die giftige Schwarze Witwe und ihre australische Verwandte, die Rotrückenspinne. Neugierig geworden googelte ich und fand heraus, dass ich offensichtlich die afrikanische Version dieser giftigen Spinnenart mit mir herum transportierte: Button Spider

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2015.7.4_button spider-12 2015.7.4_button spider-11

4 Gedanken zu “Spider Transport / Spinnentransport

  1. Thank you. And yes, i think it gonna be an exciting trip. Don’t let you bite anymore but keep following my blog …and let me fight with biting stuff (guess mosquitos gonna be the worst)


    • Indeed. That spider traveled from green farmland in rural Limpopo to the the city life of Pretoria/Johannesburg and trough the dry Kalahari and dusty salt pans of Makgadikadi to Maun. It gonna have a kind of story when it get back home 😉


      • Haha that’s absolutely incredible! I got bitten by a tiny garden spider near Johannesburg when I was a child and my whole leg swelled up – I think if I found an S/A spider in my car right now I would ditch the whole car!
        Happy travels, sounds like an amazing roadtrip!


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