South Korea: Ancient Tombs Of Bullo-Dong

On my way back from Mt. Palgongosan i noticed a sign saying ‚Bullo-Dong ancient tombs`. I got curious about it, and since it was still time before dusk, i decided to get out of the bus spontaneously.

A board on the edge of this hilly site explains there are about 210 tombs from the fifth or sixth century. The atmosphere was pretty calm when i walked trough the hilly landscape. There were hardly any people. In silence i looked over to the city and enjoyed the scenery. Only when i got closer to a prominent tree at the top of a hill, another photographer approached. It turned out to be a student from the nearby university of Daegu. We had a chat when he showed me beautiful photos he made after rain, when all the hills were covered in lush green grass. I must come definitely back on another time of the year.

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