Palestine – Bethlehem, Banksy and Jesus

There’s quite a controversy about the birthday of Jesus. While some historian beliefs it was actually in Nazaraeth, where he supposed to spend also his youth, other stays with the place written in the Gospels: Bethlehem.

After entering the city trough heavy guarded check-points, we stopped at one of the best known graffiti by the anonymous artist Banksy.

‚The Flower Thrower‘

The main program lead to the spot where, according to the gospels and the belief of christians, Jesus was born in a little shack. Around this place a big church with several units and chapels were build.

This Church Of The Nativity has different section according to different Christians churches, similar like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Old Jerusalem. And like there, here too they have this agreement of ‚Staus Quo‘.

Within The Mighty Walls of Akko

Akko, also known as Acre, has a rich history for around 5000 years. Many folks and and groups fought for it, because of its strategic location at the sea with a calm bay.

However, who is interested in history, please use the link provided (as usual 😉 )

My first day in Akko startet with a little breakfast surprise from my host. After that first coffee i was ready to explore the strong city walls and the areas within.

In the morning i found it quite empty. Happily, i walked around, found some small alleys, walked trough the market or watched the kids playing soccer between the mighty walls. Sometimes a stop for a coffee or a small bite. Just enjoying myself and imagine the life in times of the crusaders…

Tel Aviv – Urbanlife

Tel Aviv.

A vibrant city indeed. People strolling along the pedestrian zones, sitting in one of the many cafes at a square or in a park or just going shopping in one of the big malls. The mild climate makes it even more comfortable to be in the streets and parks, especially now in the wintertime.

So far not really different to many other modern cities on the world. But then, there’s that mix of smaller, older buildings between big, modern skyscrapers. I can’t make it out a clear line between living area and business district. It’s all fluently.

It’s also lively and colorful, as i find bigger or smaller graffiti everywhere. And a lot of movement too, not only by car, but many by bicycle and e-scooter. A network of bicycle paths makes it easy to navigate trough the city. It’s fun to take one of the rental e-scooter and roaming trough the neighborhood. From time to time i have to stop for a photo or a nice cup of cappuccino, of course.