Tanzania, Safari at Lake Natron, in Serengeti and Ndutu Conservation Area

After my safari trip i went to the coast, where in Daressalam my entire photo equipment, laptop and external HDD with all my photos got stolen. It was stolen out of my locked hotel room just an hour after check-in. A common thing in Tanzania, as i found out, that some hotel owners working together with police, who is protecting the thieves when they steal cameras, laptops and cash from their own customers. I actually chose that hotel to sort out and edit my safari photo. Unfortunatly the hotel owner and his son from the „Daisy Comfort House“ (aka „Saadani Tourist Centre“) was quicker by stealing my stuff before i could upload on my cloud. However, i found some pics and vids on my iPhone and cut some simple video together….

Back in Africa!

Als Wiedereinstig in Ostafrika bekam ich die Gelegenheit ein Event für Touranbieter in Arusha/Tansania zu besuchen und zu fotografieren. Im Vorfeld war das Management des ‚Culture Art Centre‘ optimistisch, dass die meisten der 120 angeschriebenen Safariunternehmer der Einladung folgen werden. Dementsprechend wurde auch das reichhaltige Catering vorbereitet. Während die Fleischspiesse auf dem Grill brutzelten und die Musiker ihre Trommel am Feuer aufwärmten, machte ich einen Rundgang. Das Dach der Haupthalle mit der grossen Bühne wurde einem Masai-Schild nachempfunden, erklärte mir der Manager. Das Gebäude daneben beinhaltet neben Büroräumen auch eine Ausstellungshalle und Souvenirshop und gleicht einer riesigen Trommel. Versteckt im Busch steht ein kleines Dorf mit Lehm-/Strohhütten, die ein Teil eines entstehenden Freilichtmuseums bilden.

Die ersten Tour Operators fanden sich ein. Viel mehr wurden es auch nicht mehr. Trotzdem wurde das Programm durchgezogen. Nach einer kurzen Begrüssung begann der eigentliche Höhepunkt der Veranstaltung. Eine gut geschulte, professionelle Tanz- und Musikgruppe marschierte auf die Bühne. Tänze und Musik aus verschiedenen Regionen Tansanias wurden vorgeführt. Unter anderem die berühmten Luftsprünge der Masai, Trommelwirbel aus der Küstengegend oder Gesang von den Morogoro Berge. Ein rundes Programm mit Künstler der hiesigen Universität.

Lynda At The Beach

Lynda was traveling Tanzania, as she heard about my lifestyle. To my surprise she changed her travel plans, checked out of her five-star-hotel and pitched her tiny tent next to my Land Rover which was south of Daressalam that time. She wanted know more about how i live and travel. However, i brought her to my „hideaway beach“, where we started spontaneously a photo shooting. Not having my full equipment with me, i tried to give my best, as Lynda did too. And she did well, didn’t she? 😀

A Glimpse Of Mwanza

On my way to Rwanda i wanted have at least a glimpse of Mwanza, the second largest city of Tanzania, and the huge Lake Victoria. The city itself hasn’t lot to offer but the surroundings with round hills and big boulders are nice. Also along the shore of Lake Victoria are beautiful spots to discover. I feel lucky to find a camping at the yacht club of Mwanza with the view of the city opposite that little bay.

Hike Around Lushoto

The Usambara mountains offers stunning views from their cliffs. Definitely a must for a hike or two. But also the small villages along the edges are worth a visit. Here some photo impressions…

Lushoto – Arriving At Irente Farm

Something different after those weeks at the coast. A nice, cool place with fresh air and green, lush forests. A quite, peaceful spot with great view over landscape. The Irente Farm just out of Lushoto has the perfect reputation for that. After a friendly welcome, i parked my Land Rover at the grassy campsite, took a fresh breath and got already a taste of the famous dishes with garden fresh vegetables. Back to my car, it was surrounded by big group of teenagers, playing and screaming. Oh Lord, why have these school class from Germany to be here on this week? They visited a partner school here for a project. However, it turned out pretty fun when they started with drum lessons and dance schooling. If i needed some breaks, i headed for a walk and chased bugs or chameleons with my Nikon.

Bagamoyo – Old Town

Despite the sleepless night, caused by noisy neighbors, i wanted use the soft morning light for photos in Old Town Bagamoyo. Along the empty streets are old colonial houses, some were more important than others, but all witnessed the history of the town. I didn’t came very far as a young guy stopped me photographing. A self called tour guide wanted to sell entry tickets for an historical building. I refused to get inside and went on. He insisted i have to buy those tickets even i make photos of buildings from outside. Since i stay on public road when i make my photos i don’t have to pay any fee for it, i explained him. A older guy joined in, indicated himself as ‚officially‘ representative of Ministry of Tourism, and threaten me with a fine and arresting. In the entire „old town“ it’s forbidden to make photos without a paid permit. He couldn’t tell me where exactely the „old town“ begins or ended, though. Also my questions about private houses, nature things as trees or public buildings like churches or mosques couldn’t he answer. But he keeps following me for quite awhile and bothered me with threats. One of the few bad experiences in Tanzania, which treats me normally with big hospitality. Okay, i tell myself, Bagamoyo doesn’t like me, so i go on. Within an hour i was on the road again…

Bagamoyo – Fishermen At Beach

It was quite late when i arrived my camp in Bagamoyo. I grabbed my Nikon and went to nearby beach. To my surprise it was pretty busy there. Teenager played football or jumped in acrobatic style in the sand, bicycles and tricycles went around, a young, blonde teenager climbed a palm tree and collected coconuts. The main activities were the returning fishermen, who sold their catch right at the beach. Surrounded by a crowd, the men sold the catch of the day in bundles to the best offer. Right at the beach, the fishes were cleaned and carried home for fresh dinner.

Beach Photo Shooting

It was on my camp at Mikadi Beach when i met those two young women. Talking about the beaches around here, i mentioned a lonely beach with crystal clear water where i was for a photo shooting before. The two friends wanted a photo shooting too. I’m delighted to bring them there and having a day out with lots of fun.

Four Models…

Small group of people with camera equipment were sitting around at my camp at the beach. While talking with the crew, photographer, assistants and models, they mentioned they want have a photo shooting with me too. Why not right now a spontaneous shooting, i replied. I got my Nikon and a flash. In a couple minutes we improvised for a few pictures.